Alright, for anyone else who is interested, I called Rivendell and they 
said that the Swift bags would work if you got 'creative', I didn't get any 
further clarification on what that meant. Talked to Swift, they said that 
it wouldn't work due to 1. the bottom hook not having anything to keep it 
in place (though they recommended zip tying a tube to the rack to hold it 
in place as a fix) and 2. the top hook wouldn't fit on the area near the 
mount, the fork is in the way. I think I read something about someone 
redoing the spacing to make that work.

Anyone have experience with other panniers on the HAR? I want to be able to 
remove it quickly and like having a strap on top to carry it with.

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 6:54:45 PM UTC-7, DS wrote:
> Scratch that, I meant the Jr. Ranger Pannier. 
> On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 4:31:35 PM UTC-7, DS wrote:
>> Anyone use the HAR with other front panniers, or specifically the mini 
>> short stacks from swift? Do they fit or did you need to do anything 
>> creative to make them work? 

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