Others got before me; in the wind of your forward motion the moisture will 
evaporate, even in high humidity. For me the differentiation of materials 
has to do with the result of all that evaporation which leaves synthetics 
stinky, cotton still drenched, wool better off on both counts.

Andy Cheatham

On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 11:59:18 PM UTC-4, Tim wrote:
> I really love my wool. It never feels too hot and even when it's wet I 
> don't get cold. But...I'm a REALLY heavy sweater, and I'm noticing that 
> when it's warm and I'm on a long ride (I'm injured and am doing 5+ hour 
> indoor rides...ugh!) my wool jerseys (Woolistic rando club jerseys) weigh 
> 3-4 times their dry weight. I'm really not sure I want to drag that much 
> weight with me on PBP. Thoughts?

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