The responses to this thread on carbon forks makes me think of a book 
review in this week's New Yorker magazine:

The book is "On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What 
Can Be Done".

And the theme is that the Internet keeps like-minded groups together, 
creating a "balkanization of opinion" or a concept called "group 

Therefore, since most people on this list already don't like or trust 
carbon fiber forks, any post on the topic would further develop that 

I'm not saying it's wrong, but I am saying that the same video would 
likely produce different reactions on, say, some road cycling message board.

And here's the key thing: Neither group would be wrong, per se, but both 
would be polarized.

All hail the Internet!

========== wrote:
> OK, I'm convinced, carbon forks are better.
> Bill
> Louisville, Ky
> >

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