$1075, but some shops may have them at the old price of $985. Of
course, to swap for a-bars, with the required levers, grips, cables,
etc, may run the price closer to $1300. Plus tax, where applicable.
Still the best deal on a bike that you're likely to find.

On Oct 25, 7:02 am, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-10-25 at 04:51 -0700, newenglandbike wrote:
> > I agree about the LHT, but you can't build one up for less than a
> > grand unless you buy used parts, or unless there are *really* cheap
> > parts that I don't know about.
> The built one that comes with everything but racks and pedals is $1050,
> right?
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