The folks I've spoken to at Riv tell me that the Clem's stoutness falls 
between the Sam and the Hunq.  To me, that would put the Clem's stoutness 
level near to the Atlantis, though obviously very different geometry. 
 Since the LHT is widely taken to be derivative from the Atlantis, one 
could expect that the Clem would also be similar in stoutness to the LHT.  

On Friday, March 20, 2015 at 4:36:00 PM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> On Friday, March 20, 2015 at 12:29:42 PM UTC-7, alan lavine wrote:
>> Let me be clear: I will use and enjoy the Clem in any case, I'm just 
>> playing around with ideas on how I will set it up.  Frame geometry and 
>> tubing specs can give you an idea about how a bike will feel and the most 
>> appropriate way to set it up, but its no substitute for actually riding it.
>> Bottom line question: Will the Clem be more comfortable for light touring 
>> than the LHT (when used for light touring)?
> Probably?  The Clem would almost certainly be heavier and slower, but 
> almost certainly more comfortable.  I'd almost certainly be smiling and 
> enjoying the scenery more on a Clem with Bosco bars.  
>> Related question: What is it about the Clem that makes it intended for 
>> upright bars?
> The thing about the Clem that makes it intended for upright bars is that 
> Grant has said from the get-go that upright bars was and is his intent when 
> he designed it.  They have a recommended/suggested build list, and say 
> Albatross or Bosco.  I think drop bars on the Clem would be a mistake.  I 
> think skinny tires on a Clem would be a mistake, also.  (It's funny that I 
> now think of 700x38 as skinny, but here we are!)  I bet that if you called 
> Riv and wanted the exact TT length, they might be reluctant to tell you and 
> try to talk you out of drop bars.  If they did that, it would be because 
> they like you and want to help you be the happiest you can possibly be on 
> your bike.  They believe (and I agree) that the happiest Clem-riders will 
> be using Bosco bars or something very similar.  
> That said, I'm just guessing and you definitely should try whatever it is 
> you feel like trying.  It's just that your initial statement about your LHT 
> not being light enough or not being right for light touring or credit card 
> touring.  The Clem is definitely not a lighter faster LHT.  The Clem is a 
> Clem.  It is in its own category.  For sure nobody knows for sure what a 
> Clem with drop bars will feel like, because nobody has ever done it.  I 
> would guess the long TT will force you to a tiny stem and will make the 
> bike handle weird.  It might be overstating it, but it could ruin the bike. 
>  To prove that to yourself, I suppose you need to know the TT length. 
> Thanks.

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