I need to correct myself:   my Bomba did come w/ one of those in the link, 
but I didn't use it.     (I went w/ v-brakes.)

Could you just switch to the other style?

Thing is, it's only acting as a guide:  the cable is pulling up on the 
brakes, passing through the guide, but there shouldn't be much pressure on 
the hanger, bridge, I don't think??....  

I think I'd try it, if the other guide wouldn't work out....


On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 1:04:30 PM UTC-5, Leslie wrote:
> I wouldn't worry about a Bomba, but....
> Why avoid the seatpost one?
> I used one of these on my Bomba:  
> http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/ca23.htm 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rivbike.com%2Fproduct-p%2Fca23.htm&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFVosDMWEH9C3hoMaxsrKwnqe1Fow>
> FWIW....
> On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 9:42:46 AM UTC-5, Tom Harrop wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Does anyone see any issues with using a one of the Tektro fork-mount 
>> cable stops <http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/ca15089.htm> that Riv 
>> sells on the seatstay bridge on a Bombadil, for the rear brake?
>> The only thing that makes me hesitate is the possibility of destroying 
>> the seatstay bridge, for example if canti frames have “less beefy” seatstay 
>> bridges than sidepull frames, because one wouldn’t normally mount a brake 
>> there. I guess when I squeeze the brake lever I will put quite a twisting 
>> load on the bridge…
>> By the way I’m aware that the normal thing to do is use a cable stop that 
>> mounts to the seatpost binder bolt. I’d like to avoid that but it’s plan B 
>> if the seatstay bridge is not possible.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom

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