Lucky to have four JB-painted bikes in my stable.  His work is  
absolutely amazing.  Holds up to microscopic inspection.


On Oct 13, 2009, at 7:51 PM, cyclotourist wrote:

> +1.  Joe Bell is perfection.  He uses Dupont Imron.  Definite back- 
> log though, so be patient.  I wonder if he has assistants/apprentices?
> Now you have $2,500 into the bike and are about $500 away from a  
> full custom.
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:35 PM, JimD <> wrote:
> William,
> If what you outline here is what you want, you really should consider
> a Joe Bell paint job.
> A Joe Bell paint job  will pass the 'hairy eye ball test, and maybe
> then some.
> You will also need to cowboy up for the time and money it takes.
> I have a Saluki with a 'standard' paint job and a Riv custom with a
> Joe Bell paint job.
> I'm pleased with both both but there is no comparison and no strong
> reason to compare.
> Both bikes are fun to ride and near as I can tell the paint has
> nothing to do with that.
> Oh, and  both bikes get dirty and the paint can get chipped on both.
> -Jimd
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:33 AM, William F. House wrote:
> >
> > It was really easy. I knew I wanted a dark green. I went to our  
> local
> > hardware store and found it. It's called Scholar Green and is part  
> of
> > the Ralph Lauren line of interior paints. You can see it on this  
> page:
> >
> >
> >
> > I grabbed a sample card and simply mailed it to Keven who was  
> helping
> > me with the AHH. I just took delivery a few days ago. Amazing bike.
> >
> > One thing to note in your decision. I have pretty high standards I
> > guess and upon close inspection of the bike I found NUMEROUS flaws  
> in
> > the custom paint job - including a hairline of the green on the  
> cream
> > color headtube and imprecise highlights of the cream on the green
> > (like the little circles aren't all perfect). There are quite few
> > spots that really could've been much better, but you have to look to
> > find them. Is it a big deal to me. Not really. Do I think it  
> should've
> > been better for shelling out an extra $200 for a nearly $4000 bike?
> > Absolutely. Rivendell's response has been "we'll check bikes more
> > closely." I've had other custom paint projects that were done by  
> hand
> > (high-end guitars, furniture, artwork, etc.) and had come to  
> expect a
> > very high degree of precision and flawless work. Overall I'm happy
> > with the bike, but in retrospect I'm not sure I'd have shelled out
> > that much money for the value of work I got. Your mileage may  
> vary. I
> > LOVE the dark green though. Will be posting pics on my Flickr site
> > soon.
> >
> > On Oct 13, 10:13 am, mushmash <> wrote:
> >>  Hello All,
> >>
> >> Compliments to all who post in this forum. I have taken part in
> >> several enthusiast forums in the past and hope to enjoy getting
> >> hooked
> >> up with other riders.
> >>
> >> My reason for posting: I really would like some direction on how  
> one
> >> selects and communicates a custom bike color!
> >>
> >> I have placed my money on a new AHH, but have not told RBW  
> whether I
> >> want the standard blue color(s) or custom. Now, I have ridden the
> >> same
> >> bike (1974 Fuji Finest) since high school. This is the first real  
> new
> >> bike I will have had in all these years, so it is something that I
> >> have to do right for myself.
> >>
> >> Blue is good, but a rich earthy green is what really appeals to me.
> >> Like this bike identified as Blue Lemon Photos 
> >> (
> >> ...
> >> ).
> >>
> >> How and where does a guy go to look at colors?  I look around me
> >> every
> >> day, but how do you "identify" and communicate a color to the RBW
> >> folks?
> >>
> >> Thanks for any help on this project. It is a big commitment for me
> >> and
> >> I don't want buyer's remorse just because the color isn't just so!
> > >
> -- 
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is  
> something wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a  
> gym."  ~Bill Nye, scientist guy
> >

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