The ability to pick a color for a small upcharge is REALLY a nice

As far as paint quality is concerned... I believe that the production
frames are coming in to Rivendell painted already.  The "extra" $200
to choose a custom color is amazingly inexpensive.  I suspect that
Rivendell doesn't make ANY money on that, considering the cost to have
the bicycle stripped and re-painted.  I suspect the quality is "good
enough" for a rider.... Probably as good of a paint job as one would
get as a "factory paint." Custom paint it is not.

I'm extremely picky when it comes to paint quality too, but I also
understand how difficult a good paint job is to do well.  Having
worked in a shop for about 15 years, I've seen LOTS of bicycles.
Almost all of them have flaws somewhere in the paint.  Obviously the
bicycle is made up of many small tubes with lots of inside/outside
surfaces and ample opportunity for over/under-spray.

If you want show-quality paint, save up for the Joe Bell, or skip the
$200 extra and have the frame sent directly to Joe Bell.  I suspect
you'll wait another 6 months or so and probably expect to pay close to
an additional $500 for paint work.  For a more durable option, you
could go with custom powdercoat through Spectrum, but I believe a one-
color job will run you $400 or so.

Find a color you like somewhere as a color chip, paint book, color of
car. Make note of year, make, model and the paint code can be looked
up.  Give your painter some liberty because not every color can be
matched 100%.  It's a bike after all, yer' spose to ride 'em, when you
do, they get scratched and dirty anyhow.

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