On Oct 8, 2009, at 8:35 PM, R Gonet wrote:

> I have purchased items from individuals on this and the iBOB list.
> Sometimes they send me the item before I have paid and other times I
> have paid before I've received the item, and all has worked out.  I'm
> a lawyer and deal with scammers, conners, liars, and cheats all the
> time, so I'm not a naif, but I also assume that people are honest and
> sincere until they prove otherwise, unless they give obvious signs of
> mendacity (we all know the difference between a rat and a kitten and
> we give the former a wide berth).  It then disturbs me greatly when
> they prove me wrong.  I also like to think of the people on these two
> lists as some kind of brethren and that there is a code of honor among
> us, almost as if participation in these groups somehow filters out the
> chaff.  It is therefore disturbing when something like this occurs to
> me.  If I were you, I would detail the specific facts of the
> transaction on this site, email it to the person, and invite him to
> make things right.  I would assume and hope that there is a good
> explanation for his failure to respond.  If he does not, then post
> it.  Strange things happen all the time and he may have a plausible
> explanation - he may be on sabbatical or in the hospital.

Good points.  I bought something on eBay not too long ago and the  
seller seemed to just disappear.  About 10 days later he emailed me,  
he'd had a mild heart attack and was in the hospital for a week.  And  
he promptly mailed the item.

> Or, he may
> just be a little f*****g creep who should be outed to protect the rest
> of us.  If, indeed, he is a conner, we can at least take comfort in
> the fact that he is the exception that proves the rule.

Also a possibility, although exceptions disprove the rule...

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