And then there are these "most beautiful" bikes:

On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Ron Mc <> wrote:

> Don't worry, McLaren is steel reeling over the Porsche 917
> On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:49:25 PM UTC-5, Kyle Brooks wrote:
>> Hi all -- I've heard and used the "halo bike" term before, and wrote a
>> bit about those hyper expensive bikes in The Retrogrouch Blog.
>> and this last one that got somebody at Specialized a little irked with me:
>> I agree that, to some, a Rivendell might seem hyper expensive -- but it's
>> a fraction of the price of some of these popped-out-of-a-mold carbon fiber
>> wonders.
>> Kyle Brooks
>> Akron, OH
>> On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:15:50 PM UTC-4, Pudge wrote:
>>>  That’s a term I’d not heard before – “Halo Bicycle”.  Used to describe
>>> a five figure priced bike.  There’s a very long story in the Personal
>>> Journal section of the Wall Street Journal today, here:
>>> figure-bicycle-1408489679?tesla=y&mg=reno64-wsj&url=
>>> 1753472999156.html
>>> Lengthy and breathless exhaltation of carbon (Light!  Durable!
>>> Vibration-dampening!  Expensive!) with, predictably, no discussion of
>>> potential downsides, and a complete absence of cost/benefit analysis –
>>> except that which is implicit in the article’s report that the 2014 Trek
>>> Madone 7.9 is 11% lighter than it was in 2005, but more than twice as
>>> expensive.  So to shave 1.8 pounds off the weight of the bike (2005 Madone,
>>> 15.7 pounds, today’s Madone 13.9 pounds (!)), it only costs an additional
>>> $6,145 (2005 price, $5,400, today’s bike $11,550).  Sheesh.  The only voice
>>> of reason (well, at least according to my lights) regarding the bike weight
>>> arms race in the entire article was a single paragraph quoting Dave
>>> Moulton, as follows:
>>> “Not everyone thinks it is worthwhile spending so much for a bicycle.
>>> Dave Moulton, of Summerville, S.C., built and sold bicycles for three
>>> decades before retiring in the early 1990s.  He says high-price carbon
>>> fiber bikes built by major manufacturers exist for ‘snob value’ and
>>> so-called ‘weight-weenies’ who obsess over superlight bicycles.  A few
>>> ounces make no difference  to an amateur, Mr. Moulton says.”
>>> This puts the recent Riv bike weight thread in perspective!
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