Regarding the spinning issue, there is a little washer with a tab that
fits into the dropout. On it's other side, it's toothed. There is then
a second toothed washer like piece that locks into the back of the
tabbed washer, and has a concave surface on it's other side that
cradles the lever. When the skewer is nice and tight, the concave bit
locks to the lever, the toothed surfaces lock to each other, and the
tab sits in the dropout, preventing the whole thing from spinning.

Maybe the early models didn't come with this?

On Sep 23, 10:51 am, Rititi <> wrote:
> Anyone else cares to weigh in on this issue? I like the simplicity of
> the system.
> Additional question: is it easy to erase the branding on the skewer,
> so as not to advertise the eventual flaw at the same time as the brand
> name...? What I am worried about is the crime of opportunity, my bike
> when locked up will always be locked up for short amounts of time in a
> way that doesn't let it be turned upside down.
> Thanks.
> On Aug 16, 12:40 am, Z I <> wrote:
> > Thanks for checking that out for me Ian. I felt like it would be a
> > long shot that a magnet would open them up. Seems like it would be an
> > obvious ploy for any professional bike thief, so they'd design against
> > that. On the other hand, I suppose the pros are the ones that are
> > going to get your bike regardless.
> > I feel like I read somewhere else about someone having trouble with
> > being able to twist the Zefals around. I wonder if it might be a
> > tightness thing... or somehow not being able to grip the dropouts
> > properly? Well, I will find out soon, I'm going to go pick some up and
> > try them out.
> > Thanks for the replies guys.
> >   - Zach
> > On Aug 15, 7:39 am, Ian <> wrote:
> > > I had my bike on the stand today, so I decided to test out this magnet
> > > trick.
> > > Using my shop magnet (strong enough to pick up large screws & bolts
> > > off the floor, or to pull a chain out of a degreaser bath), I was not
> > > able to trick the Zefals into unlocking.
> > > I'm also unable to twist them open, as Ryan was. Could be a strength
> > > thing, or maybe something with the dropouts (I have them on a Surly
> > > LHT). Or maybe a setup problem. Regardless, I wasn't able to open
> > > them.
> > > I'm not going to claim that they are totally thief proof. But for $30
> > > they are pretty much exactly what I need. As far as I can tell,
> > > they'll stop all but the most determined wheel thief and I don't have
> > > to carry around a special tool -- unlike a Pitlock. Yes, I'm sure
> > > there's a guy out there with a huge magnet or super strong hands who
> > > can pop my wheels right off, but I can't say that I'm concerned about
> > > him. Guys like him will be able to steal stuff off my bike regardless
> > > of what I do.
> > > As always, YMMV.
> > > On Aug 13, 11:48 pm, Ryan Watson <> wrote:
> > > > Didn't try magnets, but twisting them allowed me to open them right up.
> > > > I could never get them set up such that they couldn't be easily opened
> > > > without inverting the bike.
> > > > I asked on a couple lists if anyone had been able to get them to work,
> > > > but got no replies.
> > > > I ended up returning them.
> > > > Ryan
> > > > On Aug 13, 2009, at 21:38, Z I <> wrote:
> > > > > I've been thinking about buying a set of theZefalLock n'Rolls first
> > > > > for my commuter bike, and then maybe for the Atlantis (which I can
> > > > > rarely make myself leave unattended, yet). So while doing a google on
> > > > > them, I found someone had left a review on them at Bikeman.
> > > > > Here's what the guy had to say: "These are already obsolete!! Twisting
> > > > > is one way to defeat them, but its much easier to just use a magnet.
> > > > > No twisting, they open as if they are in the unlocked position!"
> > > > >
> > > > > That'd be a bummer! I'm having a hard time believing that theZefal
> > > > > engineers would not have thought of something so simple when designing
> > > > > an anti-theft device. I also can't seem to find any further
> > > > > collaborating links, so I wonder if this is just hearsay...
> > > > > TheZefalLock n' Roll skewers were discussed around the beginning of
> > > > > the year, and someone asked if a magnet could trip the internal
> > > > > mechanism, but the discussion moved on to the Pitlocks. Has anyone who
> > > > > has them actually tried triggering the mechanism with a magnet?
> > > > >  - Zach
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