That's true, Seth, but remember: if drug addicts had universal
healthcare to help them, then they would be healthier, get off drugs,
and wouldn't steal things like nice bicycles to supply their habit;
but in doing so, they would live in a socialist country (run by a man
who some non-racist people think looks better as a caricature of a
witch doctor with a bone in his nose) that risks not spending one out
of every three dollars to support a bloated healthcare bureaucracy
(and thereby upsets insurance companies and their stockholders), and
could, in all likelihood, greatly hamper the ability of the Taliban to
thrive because a diminished need the grow poppies and make heroin from
it, which would lead us to getting out of VietAfghanistanNam, (and
again upsetting the Military-Industrial complex and their
stockholders.) And who wants that, right?

So, as for me, go steal those bikes, people! Drug addicts of America:
serving the needs of the Insurance and Defense Industries, one bicycle
at a time....

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