Here are pictures of some of the bikes that did the organized Oregon

What tires were you thinking of using for the route? The 1.9" smooth
Schwalbes I have on my Atlantis seem like a tiny bit of underbiking, and
the 3" tires on my Krampus seem like overbiking.

Jan Heine did the route, very fast, on smooth 42mm Compass Babyshoe Pass
tires on his randonneur bike. I'd be happier with more rubber and disc
brakes than on a randonneur bike, I'm pretty sure.

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 8:44 AM, velomann <> wrote:

> When are you going? I'm considering for later June myself but don't want
> to go it alone.
> Mike
> On Monday, June 2, 2014 9:09:55 PM UTC-7, Antonioni Vicente wrote:
>> Any Rivsters out there ever ridden this route?
>> Tons of stuff on but as usual- seeking the Riv School's
>> input.
>> An Atlantis and a '93 XO-3 soon to tackle it...
>> Thanks y'all.
>> -ant
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It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride.

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