True Karma Story: Riding the QB northbound across Mill Valley Mud
yesterday @ 0930 hours, just a few yards past the last foot bridge,
and I look over and see a mini-pump laying in the grass at the side of
the trail. I don't break cadence and spin ahead, but glance down to
find to my chagrin that my frame pump is not on the bike. Just before
leaving home (Richmond District of SF) I had the QB on the work stand
and had removed the pump in order to rack the top tube into the jaws.
I forgot to remount the frame pump before setting out on the ride.

Nonetheless, I ride on, irritated with myself, and try to recall the
last time I had a flat on those hybrid tires -- not mention on my
Chi.  Then caution got the best of me, and I turned about and rode
back to retrieve the pump.  It was in working order, and I stuffed it
into my NS Banana and rode on. Over Camino Alto, through Corte Madera,
and out clock-wise around Paradise I go and wouldn't you know it, I
flat out the rear tire about 10 miles later -- AND it starts to
sprinkle! Bing/bang, out goes the sticker, in goes the new tube and I
use that little mini-pump to get me up to a survival pressure. I
finish the ride.

I see it all, of course, as Karma.  My apologies to anyone on this
list, or elsewhere, for snatching your mini-pump.  I know you probably
went back to look for it.  My bad Yin. To regain my Chi, ping me off-
forum and I'll get the pump back to you ASAP.

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