Great thread, Joan!! Picked up a few new (great ideas), and have a few to 
add.  I guess the size of my kit is relative to the length of the ride, but 
I do have core kit that I keep in a nylon zip pouch (that I can quickly 
transfer between bike bags).  Having a large seat bag on each of my bikes 
is like having extra trunk space in your car... doesn't really add much 
weight, but boy does it come in handy when you need it.

+1 to:
- Park CT-6.2 folding chain tool (with "peening anvil".. love this; haven't 
peened anything, but I sleep well at night just knowing it's there)... all 
kidding aside, this is the BEST chain tool ever, with enough leverage to 
break a motorcycle chain
- Tyvek (for tire repair)... I always have used a dollar bill, but this 
will (literally) save me a buck
- $20... brilliant... for those "didn't-have-time-to-get-to-the-ATM" moments
- FixIt Sticks...Great idea, would probably opt for the steel version 
(weight be damned) for durability
- M5 bolts... true, one missing bolt can ruin your whole day
- Fibre fix - Great idea, can't believe I've never seen this!
- Quick link - use em all the time... GREAT for grafting sections of chain 
for different (SS) gear configurations

- Pump - realizing that's a given, I use a Topeak Mountain Morph... fits in 
all my saddle bags and packs, and acts like a floor pump.
- SPD cleats AND SCREWS!.... for those rides where I prefer to clip in... 
saved my neck more than once
- Zip ties (assorted, folded inside a segment of tube).. have been known 
to substitute zip ties for missing M5 bolts  
- Small bottle of chain lube and rag... nothing worse than a squeaky chain 


On Monday, April 28, 2014 9:28:55 PM UTC-4, Joan wrote:

> I'm in the market for a new multi-tool for on-bike repairs and 
> adjustments.  I don't think I need all of the 26 or 27 items I currently 
> carry.  The ones I've used most have been the allen wrenches in various 
> sizes up to 8, the chain tool, the 10mm box wrench (I think 10, it's 
> whatever size adjusts the nuts on fenders), and very occasionally the flat 
> screwdriver.  The chain tool is a definite keeper, I've used it a number of 
> times to help friends (and once for myself). 
> I thought there was a discussion a few months ago about on-bike tools, but 
> a search of the archives didn't turn up anything.
> Thanks!
> Joan 
>  PS -I also carry a couple of zip ties, duct tape wrapped around a piece 
> of cardboard (has seen various uses including to keep bandages on), couple 
> of cut-up segments of old tires and plastic tire levers/patch kit/tube.  On 
> a tour, a few other bits and pieces in case of missing bolts, broken chain. 

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