Nice collection of bikes. I think an Atlantis would be the perfect addition. 
Then you would not need or want any more bikes :)                Jim D.         

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, thalasin <> wrote:

From: thalasin <>
Subject: [RBW] Re: The myth of the all-rounder.
To: "RBW Owners Bunch" <>
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 9:40 PM

Okay, I'll bite on giving the female perspective.   I've been debating
the myth of the all-rounder of late myself.  Still, not quite what
you're asking.

I have 7 bikes, most of them see regular action.  Most of my riding is
of the commute variety, and for that I mostly ride fixed gears.  I
have an old Surly Steamroller (Boston Baked Bean) and a mid-70's
Peugeot conversion.  I also have a custom Jonny fixed gear that awaits
a new fork due to a debilitating toe overlap situation (long story).
I also have a 1976 Raleigh Supercourse (geared), a 1976 Raleigh Sprite
5-speed mixte, a Trek mountain bike (winter bike) and an orange

My story is n+1 when it comes to bikes.  I talk myself into and back
out of an Atlantis on a daily basis.  I also seriously lust for a
Sweetpea.  In a "the house is on fire and you can only grab one bike"
situation, it would be the Riv.  But I adore all of my bikes--they are
all very different and are set up differently and the variety makes it
more fun to ride, in my opinion.  I tell myself I need to thin the
herd but can't bring myself to let any of them go.  There are worse
vices out there, for sure.

I am not particularly mechanically adept, which is why I like fixed
gears so much.  But, that still does not stop me from thinking about
bikes, looking at bikes, talking about bikes and loving most things
about bikes.

But then again, I don't think I'm a very typical female in that
regard--at least I haven't run across too many women that share my

Denver, CO

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