I could do it if I had to, and have an All-Rounder for just that reason.
It's basically a Hilsen with cantis and fancy paint.  I have two wheelsets
for it, a 36h Phil with knobbies to turn it into a mtn. bike, and 32h
Dura-Ace (spaced to 135mm) with 35mm Paselas for everything else.  I could
get a third lightweight wheelset for road use, but I do have a "road bike"
to handle my lightweight racer visions of grandeur.  I even have horizontal
drop outs on it to convert to a SS or IGH if the need arises somewhere down
the line.  When I ordered it, this was all thought out as I could only
justify getting a custom bike if it could do everything.
Luckily at this point in life, I don't "have" to only own one bike.  I have
drastically cut down the number of bikes in the household (if five + a
tandem could be considered cutting down).

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 8:27 PM, JL <subfas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have always had a difficult time owning just one bicycle.  It seems
> that no matter how many times I imagine the most ideal bicycle model
> and setup I change my mind after a few weeks or months and alter the
> setup.  My solution to this is to have more than one bike, set up and
> designed for different purposes or types of riding.  There is a
> correlation with how much I enjoy bicycling and how many bikes I own -
> they seem to feed off each other and both increase because of each
> other.  This trend changed a little when I found Rivendell.  The
> versatility of their bike gives the potential for one frame to take on
> many different lives and for one bike setup to have enough crossover
> into other areas that a near all rounder status can be reached.  Has
> anyone been able to achieve a one-bike-for-everything-I-need goal?   I
> think part of the situation is that with  enthusiasts of anything the
> line between need and want gets blurry.
> Jason
> >

Redlands, CA

"Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye,
scientist guy

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