I did the ride last year on my Rambouillet and it was fine. I was
thinking about getting a 18t or 16t and have the REI boys swap it out
once we are out of the mountains on day 2 (assuming it is like last
year where the first day started hilly and then was rolling and day 2
was all rolling).

I am going to take it on a 40-50 mile ride this weekend and see how it

On Aug 19, 9:19 pm, Ray Shine <r.sh...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> This is an interesting thread.  I just today took my Quickbeam in for a 
> re-gearing prior to a ride I am planning in mountainous country.  I requested 
> that she be rigged up in a manner similar to the combination suggested by 
> Dave Craig. 
> Box Dog Bikes in San Francisco is going to do the job.  I had to make an 
> appointment two weeks out because parts needed to be ordered, but once I get 
> the bike there and back, I'll report again. 
> I currently have the stock chain wheels up front, and run a White Industries 
> 18/16 duo freewheel on the rear, with a White Ind. 20 free on the flip side.  
> This combination has suited my riding style very well over the last few 
> years, and I rarely flip into the 20 tooth, and almost as rarely hang the 
> chain over the rear 16.  I'd say that 80% of my QB riding here and in Marin 
> and the peninsula is done in the 40x18.
> For the trip I have planned I know that I will need lower gears, so I ordered 
> a 34/26 set for chain rings, and am switching out the White Industries 20 
> tooth for a 22, which is the part on order.  I am going lightly loaded with 
> rear panniers only, MKS touring pedals and PowerGrip straps attached thereto, 
> no fenders, and a set of new Jack Brown blue labels. 
> I'm looking forward to the trip.  I know how much climbing I will have in 
> Nevada, and likewise know how slow I'll be on the straight and levels, such 
> as they are.  Anyway, I was originally planning on riding this trip on my 
> Romulus, but decided to try it on the QB instead.  I just hope the weather 
> holds. I'll keep everyone posted…
> Ray
> --- On Wed, 8/19/09, PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Anyone ever do a cross state tour on a quickbeam
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 5:43 PM
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:24 PM, johnb <jbust...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thoughts on gearing? I have a 20 and 22-tooth freewheel in back;
> standard set-up in front.
> On Aug 17, 10:53 am, Bill Connell <bconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 8:23 PM, johnb<jbust...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am thnking about cycle across NC on it. Might have rocks in my head.
> Do let us know how it goes, and what your gearing was, and how it worked. I 
> ride all fixed all the time (except off road where it is ss) but mostly 
> shortish urban and suburban routes. I've toyed with the idea of longer and 
> loaded rides fixed, and I've thought that, if I undertook such a ride, I'd 
> want a double ring and double cog setup, so that I could get, say, a 67 or 70 
> " cruising gear from, say, a 44X18 or 17, and have a bailout gear from a 
> 38X24 or 43" or 36X23 or 42" gear. 
> --
> Patrick Moore
> Albuquerque, NM
> Professional Resumes. Contact resumespecialt...@gmail.com
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