One key aspect that has not been mentioned is the social aspect of the

Keep in mind that this is a non-competitive group ride with lots and
lots of friendly people.  If you have any inkling to be social during
the ride, or participate in the small groups that naturally form, you
might miss out on a single speed.

In other words, having ridden the CNC Fall ride and owned a Quickbeam
myself, sure you can ride the QB across NC, but you might spend a lot
of time riding by yourself.  This may or may not be of concern, but I
thought it was worth mentioning.

Just my two cents,


On Aug 18, 7:03 pm, cm <> wrote:
> Now you have to do it.. you are already imaging the ride, the
> conversations, the finish. If you use another bike now, you will spend
> the whole ride wondering about/ wishing for the QB. You've destroyed
> your chance of happiness on another bike.
> But yeah, I think you have rocks in your head.
> Cheers!
> cm
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