We're all a tad different I suppose.  The tops of my Noodles are actually a bit 
higher than the top of my saddle, so the drops are a bit below.  With that 
arrangement I spend most of my life on the drops, have plenty of power and no 
back pain.  I don't feel top heavy or tippy, and that's on a 62 cm Hilsen with 
a 50mm stem. 


----- Original Message ----- 
  To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:39 AM
  Subject: [RBW] Re: Resurectio rising

  Nice bikes, but I am curious how the first one feels with the drop bars so 
high. I've tried drop bars level with saddle and, except for those on my SS 
29er, which has such a long tt that I am far more stretched out, found that I 
felt awkwardly high and tippy, and, second, found I couldn't generate enough 
power compared to being more bent over.

  Wouldn't Albatross or, perhaps, widely flared dirt drops, be better than 
standard drops for this bar position?

  On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Marty <mgie...@mac.com> wrote:

    Plenty of Riv bits on this old Trek, with more to come - including the
    Resurectio decals. I'll take better photos when it's complete, and add
    a full component description. The idea is to transfer all the bits to
    a Rivendell frame when the stars align. You'll notice an unusual (but
    quite handy) placement for the Acorn two-strap bag. The strap width
    did not fit the Avocet saddle, so I thought hmmm... This would also
    work for any of the small saddle bags/bar bags Riv sells I suppose. I
    really like the Nitto R-15 rack. I have the Boxy Rando for Mark's rack
    ready to go.


    And here's the latest "All-Rounder" version of my other old Trek.
    Evolving slowly, but just about perfect now.




  Patrick Moore
  Albuquerque, NM
  Professional Resumes. Contact resumespecialt...@gmail.com



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