on 7/28/09 6:28 PM, EricP at ericpl...@aol.com wrote:

> Mentioned in this post:
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch/msg/1369ccf4935384b9?dmode=sou
> rce
> (Not sure if it comes through or not.  This is Grant's post in the
> Rodeo discussion.)
> The post does not out and out say the Atlantis is going to sleep.
> However, that was the inference I also took away.  If it's wrong,
> sobeit.

Ahhh... Thanks for the reference. Didn't click that's what it was. My take
on that had been "impending price increase."

Figured that RBW would be loathe to have "nap time" for the Atlantis, which
has been their best seller.

But.  I have been famously wrong before and shall be again.

- J 

Jim Edgar

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"Then I sat up, wiped the water out of my eyes, and looked at my bike, and
just like that I knew it was dead"

-- Robert McCammon, "Boy's Life"

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