My mistake.  I guess i was put off by the photo of the oddly installed
rack and didn't read the description all the way through.  However I
now see the weight listed as  "about 2 lbs. 15.5 oz."  I'm assuming
that's a typo.

It's actually not a bad looking rack, just oddly presented.

On Jul 28, 2:53 pm, Shaun Meehan <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:29 PM, MichaelH <> wrote:
> > How will these racks mount to bikes w/out canti breaks?
> > Michael
> The description says it'll mount via regular connecting rods to either frame
> braze-ons or p-clamps and that you need special bolts to mount it to canti
> bosses. You can see in the photos that the connecting rod mounts are slotted
> and there are multiple holes to bolt it to the dropout eyelets so you can
> raise and lower it accordingly.
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