I certainly hope no one thought I was putting down cowboys!  And I
kind of agree about ending this thread, but while we're on this topic
let me close with a funny story about an encounter with welcoming and
friendly cowboys.

A few years ago, on a cross country trip, alas by car, we pulled into
Eureka, Nevada.  My wife was longing for a cup of tea and we went into
a cafe.  She ordered a cup of tea and I inquired about the john, which
was in the attached bar.  It was mid afternoon when I walked into the
bar, with a bunch of old guys nocking down Buds.  The back wall of the
bar was covered in slot machines, and the ignored TV had a ballet
going.  Behind the bar was all manner of stuffed head, but centered
over the bar was a tee shirt for sale.  It featured an acronym,
WRANGLERS.  It stood for Western Ranchers Against No Good Liberal
Eastern Radical Shitheads!  I can't for the life of me figure out why
I didn't buy it.  Anyway, we hung out and had great conversation with
the local ranchers about dry land ranching.  They gave us great advice
about travel routes and entertained us with great humor.  It was the
best part of the whole state of Nevada.  I may be a localvore but I
got a a lot respect for those ranchers.

who just ordered a custom Bilenkey Tandem

On Jul 13, 12:15 pm, "Rene Valbuena" <valbu...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> Jim,
> Is Gino one of your co-administrators of the group?
> Just wondering... since he's prone to lecturing.
> Rene
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of CycloFiend
> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 9:00 AM
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [RBW] Re: new Riv road bike, and my unwanted input for another
> Before anyone continues this discussion futher off topic, I'd suggest we all
> put the keyboards down, take three deep breaths and end this thread.
> I do think the topic has everyone excited, anticipating a new model of bike,
> but let's not forget that the basic tenet of respect that underlies this
> list.
> I'm not saying anyone has pushed it past that line, but to my eye it's
> teetering on the edge and wouldn't take much to quickly devolve.
> Thanks!
> - Jim "Don't make me serve up a can of List Admin on all's y'alls"
> --
> Jim Edgar / List Admin
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
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