>  No matter how much you love 650b, and I don't mind it, if you're buying a 
> bike
> to have for the rest of your life, you should buy one with a more
> common wheel size in my opinion.
I don't think getting 650b tires will be much of a problem as long we
have the internet.  In fact, bike tire companies are increasingly
adding 650b tires to their line ups.  You may never want to take a
650b on tour in Africa or Central Asia (at least not without a ready
source of replacement tires).  Otherwise, even if your LBS refuses to
carry 650b, replacements are only an internet order away.  If you are
real worried about replacements, just buy ten or so pair and keep them
in cool dark place.  If you are over 30 and maintain your bike, that
should last you a life time.

On Jul 10, 7:43 am, JGS <jonat...@jonfipro.com> wrote:
> Sounds like you're about to put the Atlantis to "sleep."  I hope not!
> To me, it's the ultimate Riv bike.  Truly capable of doing anything.
> It's not a middle of the road, good at doing a lot of things type of
> all-around bike that's become popular now like the Velo Orange bikes
> or the Homer Hilsen.  You can really build it up to do almost anything
> except downhill racing.  And it's sturdy enough to be real urban city
> bike which is unusual amongst these all-around bikes.  Plus, and I
> know some won't like this, I have an Atlantis because I really
> actually wanted to buy one bike that I could have for the rest of my
> life. (I'm not saying i won't have others along the way.)  No matter
> how much you love 650b, and I don't mind it, if you're buying a bike
> to have for the rest of your life, you should buy one with a more
> common wheel size in my opinion.
> I guess it's too expensive to keep making it at Toyo, so why not make
> the Atlantis 3, a taiwanese made version?
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