That's really interesting news.  I recall when the Rambouillet came out, it
seemed so dramatic to have the clearances that it did. From there, the
evolution of interest in 650B/584 pushed the development of large volume
700C/622 tires, which, in turn gave us the Hilsen.  (And from the Hilsen, we
now have the Hillborne, et. al.)

Once the limit stake got driven into the ground with the big clearance frame
with large volume tires, it seems like it let them refine the lineup in the
opposite direction. The idea of a new design, with all that GP has learned
in the ensuing years, will be very exciting to see.

Anyone who has followed this or the iBob list has heard the lamenting at the
"loss" of the Rambouillet.  Based on what folks wished for, it seems like
the .... (new design)... will bring all that and a bag of chips.

Darned good news!

- J

Jim Edgar

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"I threw one leg over my battle-scarred all-terrain stump-jumper and rode
several miles to work. I'd sprayed it with some cheap gold paint so it
wouldn't look nice. Locked my bike to a radiator, because you never knew,
and went in."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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