Put an extra little washer or two between the spring and the base.  It will 
distance it just enough to get rid of most autodings, but will still work 
normally quite well.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: cm 
  To: RBW Owners Bunch 
  Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:35 PM
  Subject: [RBW] Bell Ringing

  I have the brass bell that Riv sells with the spring- dinger and it
  was dinging constantly--to the point that others were threatening to
  not ride with me anymore. I had it mounted on Albatross bars so that
  the bottom of the bell was parallell to the ground. I moved the bell
  so that the bottom of the bell is perpendicular to the ground and it
  has cut down on auto-dinging by 90%. I have recently moved the bell so
  that it is on the quill of the stem, facing the sidewalk, the bottom
  of the bell perpendicular to the road, and this has all but eliminated
  the issue--- though I dont love how it looks on the quill.

  Any other solutions out there?

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