I know that guy. I like cowboy hats for toodling about. The one pictured in
your link, or here in action:
is pretty great for summer, has an adjustable brim for wide vs. narrow
adjustments, it has a chin strap for scorching and has only got moderately
floppy at speed over the years.
In the winter or rain I use a regular cowboy hat, but they need to fit well
to stay on during cycling:

It is a close call between helmet and widebrimmed hat here at 7500 feet with
the sun missing a mile and a half of filtering atmosphere vs sea level.


On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 6:09 PM, cj.spinner <cj.spin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Let's say maybe I want to noodle around out in the summer sun without
> a helmet (on deep soft grass and no cars, of course).  Wanting more
> sun protection, I'm thinking something with a wide brim is needed.  I
> sometimes wear a ball cap, but would like more protection for ears and
> neck.  Something reasonably ventilated.
> As of now, I'm thinking of something along the lines of this stylish
> option...
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/targetsalad/3050074733/in/set-72157609687048905/
> I wonder, however, if you all have other suggestions.
> >

Tarik Saleh
tas at tariksaleh dot com
in los alamos, po box 208, 87544
all sorts of bikes blog: http://tsaleh.blogspot.com

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