> I have come around to the view that, since I'm on the commuter every day and 
> probably spend more time on it
> than any of my other bikes, I should use the best stuff for that purpose that 
> I can afford.

Definitely.  Mike Flanigan (he of Antbikemike fame) points out that
the commuter is usually the bike used the most.  Yet so many people
wind up using their least nice bike for commuting.  I put a lot of
time and effort into my commuter.  My commute is often the best part
of my day.

>Perhaps a better course would be to order a set of custom wheels from Riv, 
>Peter White, me, etc. That way, you can have a choice of rims > > and you can 
>get a Phil freewheel hub that matches the spacing of your Centurion.

Very sound advice.

On May 30, 6:55 am, GeorgeS <chobur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I used to use an old racing bike as a commuter.  It wasn't comfortable
> and required lots of attention.  I have come around to the view that,
> since I'm on the commuter every day and probably spend more time on it
> than any of my other bikes, I should use the best stuff for that
> purpose that I can afford.  On my current commuter, I've got a well-
> used B17, good 26" wheels with Marathon XR tires and a Rohloff hub.
> On May 30, 4:50 am, Shakesbiker <pbdemar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am sorely tempted to buy the ultimate touring wheelset available
> > from the Riv. web specials site.   It would be used to convert  27" to
> > the more readily available 700 wheels on an old Centurion Pro Tour.
> > My dilema?  Since I recently bought a  (new to me) Saluki, I had
> > planned on relogating the Centurion to a commuting / rain bike. The
> > wheels with Phil hub and Schmidt Son 28 would be worth a lot more than
> > the bike. Am I foolish?
> > Thoughts and/or advise would be appreciated.
> > Thanks
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