Not Grant, but I was concerned about this when I ordered a Saluki, too.  (I 
also have a Rambouillet)  The slacker seat angle on the Saluki means that, 
assuming you put your seat in the same position relative to the bottom bracket 
on either bike, your saddle will be slightly further forward on the seatpost 
rails of the Saluki.  My Rambouillet and Saluki are the same size (54cm) and 
the Saluki toptube is nominally longer, but the seat is further forward, too, 
due to the slacker seat tube angle, so the reach to the bars (with the same 
length stem) is identical within a couple of mm's.  Bike fit magic!


-----Original Message-----
[]on Behalf Of dpco
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 10:20 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] toptube length on saluki?

to grant,
why is the toptube on a 58cm saluki .5cm longer than a 60cm ram?
don c.

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