Similar thing happened to one of my touring buds a couple of weeks ago.  It
was a 9 speed and he's a big guy who pounds the pedals.  First time was on a
climb and he was able to take out the offending link to get going.  Later in
the same ride it started making noise on a flat section and he found one of
the outer plates hanging loose, just waiting to fall off.  As far as I know,
he just replaced the chain and did not find any obvious cause.

I've never had a chain fail but have seen it happen, usually older bikes
that have been neglected.  Never on one such as your son has.  


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of GeorgeS
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 8:03 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] Query Concerning Chain Problem

My son has a Romulus he purchased about six months ago.  Several weeks
ago he was out on a long ride and his chain broke.  I have been riding
bikes a long time and I've never had a chain actually break in use and
I've never known anyone who has had that happen.  He said that on
examination the outside plate simply peeled back at several places and
separated from the pin.  That left the inner plate holding the chain
together and then that went.  He said he did not hear any noise until
shortly before the chain broke and it was obviously the plates hitting
the RD cage.   He took the bike back to the bike store where he bought
it and they said they had never seen such a thing and put it off to a
defective chain which they replaced and sent him on his way.  On
Sunday the same problem started to happen.  After about 30 miles he
said he started to see the plate on the outside start peeling back at
three points on the chain.  This time he was able to get back to the
car before the chain broke.  The bike store kept the bike to show to
their ace mechanic and my son is supposed to pick it up later in the
week.  Anyone ever heard anything like this?  The cranks are Sugino
and the derailliers are 105's.  He is riding on good roads in Maryland
right out of DC.

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