Query about alarm lock.  I looked at the Aerostich web site and the
cable alarm system I found weighs 1lb.  Am I looking at the wrong

On Apr 20, 3:29 am, mitchelr <mitch...@onid.orst.edu> wrote:
> Keep in sight.  Solid object + any bike frame part + 100db  motion
> sensor cable lock "Mini-Lock Alarm" from Aerostich, 4 oz. LOUD.
> Small tale: Atlantis parked on a busy main street connected to
> signpost in front of my lawyer's offfice.  He and I watch out the
> window as would be thief reaches for the skinny cable, lifts the
> seemingly flimsy lock to examine it.  Sensor is activated, quiet
> countdown beeps begin.  Thief looks puzzled for 5 seconds, beep, beep,
> beep, then S-C-R-E-A-M!!!!  Would-be thief ran straight across 4 lanes
> of traffic rushing both way and contiuned running, as far as we could
> see, for another block.
> On Apr 18, 10:30 pm, William Henderson <william.c.hender...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > If the former, perhaps list your setup in 10 words or less.  If the
> > former, no explanation needed or wanted.
> > Myself: lock up tight (pitlocks, old chain 'round the seat, ulock -
> > two sometimes)
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