Rivendell is a fascinating company to me, on many levels. The "groans" (to
me) are actually what I love most about them. I bought their wool penant and
have it on my office wall...only because I loved the product description
"all time worst seller." I thought the Bombadil double top tubes were
preposterous when I first saw them. Now I own the bike. That probably says
more about me than Rivendell.

I think the bikes are works of art, and the products all support an overall
philosophy. It's like strange art that I can use and ride. Or, maybe like
music that you don't always like at first, but really grows on you. I
thought John Coltrane was tedious at one point in my life. Now I want
Interstellar Space on vinyl AND iTunes :-)


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:02 PM, usuk2007 <clive.stand...@umassmed.edu>wrote:

> I'm interested in the amount of comment my original question has
> provoked. From all that I can learn from reading and sales
> interactions RBW seems like a good company. I like their bikes (I have
> 3), but nothing is perfect and all great things are worthy of
> criticism and that should be encouraged to produce improvement. I do
> not agree with all things Rivendell, I ride clipless, would not be
> seen dead in MUSA knickers with braces and haven't warmed to the new
> bikes yet, but I enjoy the perspective of RBW as it's an important
> part of the cycling world. For the majority of cyclists it should be
> far more relevant than the racing style. But I still sit glued to the
> Spring Classics and would ride a Specialized Roubaix if I thought I
> could do it justice or it had any relevance to the way I ride, but I
> can't average 25mph over a hundred miles. I like to tour, ride to the
> shops and do the odd club ride so the Rambouillet is perfect for me.
> On Apr 14, 5:51 pm, Mike <mjawn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Grant's personal bikes are the epitomy of beausage.
> http://www.rivbike.com/products/list/bicycle_models#product=50-998
> >
> > Hopefully the link will work and take you to the picture of Grant's
> > AHH. That bike looks so perfect.
> >
> > Also check this old shot of his Saluki. Be sure to scroll down to the
> > bottom of the page.
> >
> > http://web.archive.org/web/20060321050644/www.rivbike.com/html/bikes_...
> >
> > On Apr 14, 8:16 am, Shaun Meehan <meehan.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:08 AM, GeorgeS <chobur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > > Ok.  I can't stand being culturally out of the loop any longer.  What
> > > > is "beausage"?
> > > > George Strickler
> >
> > > It's Grant's concept of "beauty through usage". The idea that the small
> > > nicks and scratches in your bike's paint and the natural wear on your
> > > leather saddle, etc. actually adds to the beauty of your bike.
> >
> > > Shaun Meehan
> >

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