PS ride was done in a Walz Wool Worsted cap
On Apr 9, 10:05 pm, usuk2007 <> wrote:
> I know some of how you feel, I don't do fixed, but have my Quickbeam
> set up with
> a 67" gear and just got back from 4 repeats of riding up Belmont Hill
> MA on
> Clifton St to the Arlington Water tower. It averages 5% for 1.3miles
> with a couple
> of short 10% bits. I'm 48 and 200lbs so this is an achievement for me.
> On Apr 9, 4:50 pm, PATRICK MOORE <> wrote:
> > I am strictly a short distance rider, but occasionally I get antsy and do
> > something like a 30 or 35 miler. One advantage of being self employed is
> > that I can neglect my work when I feel like it, and I felt like it this
> > morning. Since the iBob list is down, I must unburden myself to y'all.
> > I did an out and back Tramway hill (7 miles) ride this late morning and,
> > guess what? I did the entire thing (on my April/1999 Joe Fixed Custom,
> > celebrating its 10th this month) in the 75" gear. I had a vast tailwind, NW
> > 20 gusts to 30, but still, I am proud; not bad for a 3K a year 54 year old,
> > no? And I feel fine. I stood for 8/10 of a mile on the steepest section, but
> > otherwise just turned th cranks slowly at 10 or 11 mph, averaging a whopping
> > 15 mph rt. On the downhill return, the wind was strong enough that, where I
> > usually have to exert considerable backpressure to keep my speed to 25 mph,
> > lest the bike run away with me, I actually had to ride the distance mostly
> > in the drops. My knees are fine, and I am more convinced than ever that
> > climbing fixed (and riding against strong headwinds) is simply a matter of
> > physiological adaptation and pacing yourself -- and it's the pacing -- call
> > it psychological adaptation -- that makes riding fixed so fun, for me.
> > No padded shorts, no gloves, no helmet, clips and straps -- MKS RX-1s
> > (better than the Dura Aces the replaced!) and old Rivats, a water bottle
> > full of water and another full of home brew syntho-gatorade, and I did fine.
> > Nice bike! Nice ride!
> > --
> > Patrick Moore
> > Albuquerque, NM
> > Professional Resumes. Contact
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