I recently moved my Silver barend shifters to the downtube.  I like
the setup just fine, but I was getting ghost shifts on the front and
rear when I stand and crank out of the saddle (no problems ever with
the setup as barends).  I know others have had similar issues, and so
before posting questions here I decided to tinker a bit and make sure
I had everything setup correctly and had tried all the fixes I had
read about over on iBOB.

Well, in the process, I seemed to have launched the little spring
holding the micro ratchet into never-never land.  Can't find it.
Gone.  So instead of asking questions about the appropriateness of
moving barend Silvers to the downtube (same washers?, they look to be
different on the RBW website), I now just want to find a replacement
spring so I can go ride.

Any ideas?
Asheville, NC
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