on 3/17/09 6:50 AM, beth h at periwinkle...@yahoo.com wrote:

> Jim wrote:
>> I wonder if shellacking the front inch or so of the saddle
>> would help it resist rain a bit without damaging anything."
> ..::slaps forehead and moans::..
> Jim.
> Dude.
> You get a big ol' can of shellac and then you get into this thing of
> just looking for things to paint the stuff on. The danger is that it
> can be so random.
> After sanding and coating the snap-deck of my Xtracycle -- a big leap
> since I've yet to shellac a set of handlebars -- Sweetie saw me
> looking at our old wooden ladder, grabbed me by the shoulders and told
> me firmly, "No. Way."
> Those of us who've been tempted can only look on and wonder what
> you'll paint next.


I'm Jim...

(Hi Jim!)

...and I'm powerless over shellac...

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
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"There were messengers who named their bikes, but Chevette never would have
done that, and somehow because she did think about it like it was something

William Gibson - "Virtual Light"

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