So - I was pondering things on yesterday's ride.  As the mist got a little
rain-like, I watched the nose of my Brooks get increasingly damp. Got me to

"hmmm," I thinks.  "There are three rivets on the nose of that saddle, and
obviously, that's where the front of the thing is pinned together.  It's
also the front end of the hammock, so to speak. So, there's a good bit of
stress in that.  Now, as I'm riding along, my hams are covering the majority
of the saddle, and I'm running fenders so there's no spray from below. But,
it can't make sense to let the nose get all wet and soggy by means of
forward motion. I wonder if shellacking the front inch or so of the saddle
would help it resist rain a bit without damaging anything."

Which is pretty much the thought I've still got rattling around this
morning.  Anyone ever try it? Any cobblers or leatherworkers think it might
make sense?  Or should  I just get some silicone spray?

- Jim

Oh! Pix from the loop -

Jim Edgar

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"My nighttime attitude is anyone can run you down and get away with it.
That's why I don't even own a bike light or one of those godawful reflective
suits.  Because if you've put yourself in a position where someone has to
see you in order for you to be've already blown it."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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