On Mar 14, 11:59 pm, Patrick in VT <psh...@drm.com> wrote:
>  i maintain that a compact double and
> 28s would do just fine on rouge-roubaix - thus, my contrary opinion to
> the title of this thread.
Well, since I created the thread and its title, I'll take the
opportunity to clarify. In fact, a compact double and some bigger
tires are exactly what I had in mind as what was "needed" in terms of
equipment (which would have given their users a competitive advantage
unless everyone used them). But the subtext, of course, was that some
country bike attitude was "needed" as well. Someday all those lycra-
lugged losers walking their expensive toys up the hill are going to
wonder what it was that attracted them to the sport. With any luck,
right about that time, a friend will hand them a battered 1994 Bicycle
Catalogue From Bridgestone. After briefly ogling the girl on the
cover, they'll turn to the dog-eared page 12 and discover How To Ride
A Bike Forever.

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