I have a pair each of the King Iris and the VO Moderniste.  The King
is a nice but fairly conventional looking cage, nothing special.  The
VO is bright and shiny and has a distinctive and attractive swoop to
it.  The King *might* hold a bit more securely on a really rough road,
but the VO takes the style points IMO.


Bruce wrote:
> I've ordered, but not yet received 2 cages from V-O for the now finished Riv 
> build.
> http://www.velo-orange.com/vomoststwabo.html
> I have a pair of Kings on a Rambouillet and they have been excellent. Will 
> report on how the V-O compares after getting them
> ________________________________
> From: James Warren <jimcwar...@earthlink.net>
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2009 8:44:35 PM
> Subject: [RBW] Was Nitto failure #2, Now King
> I must disagree with the characterizations of King as #2. I have the King, 
> and it is by far my favorite cage on all levels: aesthetic, 
> confidence-inspiring, the way it grips the bottle, the reasonable price.
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