I still think track bolts are better for SS regardless of what Riv
says, if you use a QR then get the Surly Tuggnut otherwise get a bolt
on with a Surly Jethro Tulle; never any slippage problems.  The forces
are a little greater since there is no derailleur to absorb some of
the force applied during pedaling.

On Feb 24, 6:15 pm, CycloFiend <cyclofi...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> on 2/24/09 1:36 PM, colin p. cummings at colinthehip...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Anybody else having trouble with the rear wheel on the QB?  Sometimes
> > it shimmies out of alignment as I ride.  One time I was pedalling hard
> > after a stop and it slipped.  I've tightened the quick release and
> > hopefully all is well now.  What's the trick with these track ends in
> > straightening and keeping straight the wheel?
> If you are getting slippage under pedal pressure, then a little more bite at
> the QR is in order.
> You might double-check that he QR itself is an "older" style with some teeth
> or other biting surface on it.
> I found that mine slipped less as the paint 
> wore.http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclofiend/3246069293/
> I'll get a slight slippage from time to time in the course of a long day,
> but normally, it's pretty solid. Obviously, I see the imprint of the lever
> in my hand after closing it...
> - J
> --
> Jim Edgar
> cyclofi...@earthlink.net
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> "That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates outcome; the
> anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the absence of grace."
> William Gibson - "All Tomorrow's Parties"
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