On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:

Yves Gomez was a famous Franco-Catalan petanque champion and freedom
fighter.  I thought everybody knew about him.  ;-)

> Has "Velocio?" been taken.  A good bike tribute to Velocio would be in
> order.

Oooh, I like that one for a bike.

Did we ever figure out who Sam Hillborn was? 


Don't think so, at least not for sure.  There was a 19th century California
politician of the same name but slightly different spelling (maybe only a
single "l"), and an obscure Civil War character.  But no one particularly
notable or notorious that would merit having a bicycle named after him.  My
theory is the Riv crew dreams up these names & giggles while we try to
figure it out.  Throw out a few EZ ones from LOTR & then hit us with a Sam.
Hey, their a lot more interesting and fun than RB-T & MB-1, right?

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