Someone else asked this question a couple of days ago & I don't believe it
was answered:

Who is "Yves Gomez", really?  Or this is a ficticious character dreamed up
by the Riv crew halfway up Mt Diablo, and are now chuckling with glee as we
all ponder the message & search for hidden meanings?  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Paul Cooley
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 2:48 PM
Subject: [RBW] Re: Get Your Email Update Here/Non Middle Earth Names

"Yves Gomez" is a little offputting, though I don't know who he is.   
My imagination jumps immediately to Gomez from the Adams Family, but  
that's because my kids just watched the movie.

Has "Velocio?" been taken.  A good bike tribute to Velocio would be in  

And I wouldn't mind a "Colin Fletcher" for the person who wrote the  
Complete Book of Walking.

However, I have to say the naming of the Rivendell bikes is one of the  
things I like the least about many of them.  I love owning a  
"Rivendell",  and I like some of the Middle Earth names, but I'm not  
sure about some of the whackier names.  A. Homer Hilson?   But that's  
just me.

Paul B. Cooley
Santa Fe, NM

On Feb 11, 2009, at 10:00 AM, John at Rivendell wrote:

I'll be bummed if "Bombadil" has to go. How does "Yves Gomez" sound
for a
mountain bike?

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