On Feb 2, 2009, at 10:13 PM, David Estes wrote:

> I guess I came into this the opposite way.  I was a BOB,  
> Bridgestone Owner's Bunch member that ended up on the Rivendell  
> mailing list when GP started the company.  Although I read the  
> Hobbit and LOTR in middle school, I didn't really make the  
> connection right away.  It had been fourteen years or so since I  
> read the books, and "Rivendell" the place didn't really stand out  
> for me.  Plus I'm just slow that way.

I came in through the BOB route (BOB #2704 or something like that); I  
discovered BOB through Grant's funny ads in VeloNews or where ever it  
was- especially the ad about the bike built by a mysterious vintage  
fame builder from mysteriously hoarded vintage parts and tubes and  
lugs.  It was brilliant stuff with multiple levels and it's too bad  
Grant doesn't have that kind of ad budget now.  He's good at it.

I bought my wife a Construction Pumpkin 1993 XO-1 as an engagement/ 
wedding present through BOB when Bridgestone finished, among a few  
other things.  She loved that bike, which was horribly destroyed  
about 10 years ago when it was run over while locked to a sign in  
front of her workplace.  If it's any consolation, the bike and the  
sign saved some lives that day- an elderly lady somehow confused the  
gas pedal for the brake while parking, shot over the curb/the sign/ 
the bike and nearly hurtled through the front windows of the beauty  
parlor.  Every frame tube was bent, I've never seen a bike so  
destroyed.  (With the collusion of several friends, I replaced it  
with a Heron Road as a surprise Christmas present- a better made and  
nicer bike, objectively, even if it lacks the cachet of the XO-1).   
The XO-1 does live on in that some of the parts are in use on other  
bikes, and my wife still wimpers a bit when she sees an XO-1 on the  
Internet or in person.

Of course, as Grant has mentioned the "Rivendell" connection to  
Tolkien was indirect.  IIRC the business was named after the defunct  
Rivendell Mountain Works backpacking gear company rather than  
directly after the Last Homely House.

> I'll probably start reading them to my oldest rather soon.  Right  
> now going through the L. Frank Baum Oz books which have a lot of  
> the same elements in them.
> Bonus question:  Anybody re-read the LOTR books after seeing the  
> movies, and did that make the books better/worse for you when you  
> read them again?

I first read LOTR the summer after graduating from high school (1977)  
and re-read it about four times in the following six months.  I even  
started learning to read and write Sindarin (this has been carried on  
to an amazing degree by Tolkien scholars on the Internet and one can  
now find entire lexicons)- what a nerd I was (and still am).  I've  
read it about once a year since then, probably about 30-35 times now.

I remember seeing the first movie with my wife; after the Ralph  
Bakshi debacle, I was wired to be pissed at Peter Jackson.  I made my  
wife kind of nuts with "wait, that's not right!" "what happened to  
Crickhollow?" and "why is Arwen there?  What happened to Glorfindel?"  
etc.  She finally told me to "STFU already."  (Any other LOTR fans do  
this?)  But on the whole I came out impressed, and later on when  
watching the DVD commentary the writers explained why they made  
changes in plot and characters, and it made so much sense that I felt  
much better about it.  The second movie was much closer to the book  
and the Ents rocked, so that made it way better, and I was able to  
let go of the books a bit more.  The third movie bugged me in spots  
again, but still it was easier than the first movie was.  Now I can  
enjoy the movies as sort of separate entities from the books; the  
extended editions help a lot with that, although the weakest stuff is  
generally the stuff they added.  And the various video extras are  

Reading the books after watching the movies a few times felt strange,  
because the movies had shifted the contour of the story in my mind a  

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