@kcne commented on this pull request.
> @@ -53,6 +53,23 @@ def show
if @user &&
(@user.visible? || current_user&.administrator?)
@title = @user.display_name
+ one_year_ago = 1.year.ago
This wasn’t about freezing; it should run each time the user profile page is
accessed. I guess I left it like that by accident. The idea was to fetch the
changeset data from one year ago up until the current date. The thought was
that starting one year ago would naturally include changesets up to this
moment, effectively capturing the data for the past year.
However, I’ve now refactored the code to explicitly set both the starting and
ending points. This makes the date range more declarative and ensures better
clarity and consistency, while also eliminating potential ambiguities.
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