@AntonKhorev commented on this pull request.

> +//= require popper
+//= require tooltip
+/* global CalHeatmap, CalendarLabel, Tooltip */
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
+  const heatmapElement = document.querySelector("#cal-heatmap");
+  if (!heatmapElement) {
+    console.warn("Heatmap element not found in the DOM.");
+    return;
+  }
+  const heatmapData = heatmapElement.dataset.heatmap ? 
JSON.parse(heatmapElement.dataset.heatmap) : [];
+  const colorScheme = heatmapElement.dataset.siteColorScheme || "auto";
+  const locale = $("head").data().locale;

I think the entire heatmap can be delayed by putting it in turbo frame or maybe 
some collapsible section (maybe for performance reasons). You need `I18n` 
initialized before anyway, I don't know how you're going to translate dates 
correctly otherwise. Although popup dates seem to work even if `I18n` is not 
initialized before the heatmap because they are constructed later.

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