@nertc commented on this pull request.

> -                  <%= link_to t(".remove as friend"), 
> remove_friend_path(:display_name => @user.display_name), :method => :post %>
+                  <%= link_to t(".unfollow"), follow_path(:display_name => 
@user.display_name), :method => :delete %>
                 <% else %>
-                  <%= link_to t(".add as friend"), 
make_friend_path(:display_name => @user.display_name), :method => :post %>
+                  <%= link_to t(".follow"), follow_path(:display_name => 
@user.display_name), :method => :post %>

My thought was to use `:edit` as the functionality was focused on editing but 
not showing information about `follows`. But as 
 suggests, if we use `:show` also as edit page where it is possible, I will 
change it accordingly. I thought your comment meant to use standard `Singular 
Resource` routes in general, not `:show` in particular.

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