I'd say the client doesn't trust the radiator certificate and stops the
EAP conversation.

Best regards, Alex

On 2016-01-18 12:30, Christian Kratzer wrote:
> Hi Sami,
> On Mon, 18 Jan 2016, Sami Keski-Kasari wrote:
>> Hello Christian,
>> Usually this kind of behaviour is due to MTU problems.
>> There can be differences between different vendors for example how they
>> do tunnelling and how it affects to MTUs etc.
>> Please try to adjust maximum TLS fragment size to see if it helps.
>> Please see more at page 92
>> 5.21.39 EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize
>> in ref.pdf.
> yes we already have that set to 500.
> Just for understanding EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize would only affect what radiator 
> sends.  There is no way to limit the size of the fragements coming from the 
> ap.
> The trace4 logs stop exactly at the point radiator has completed sending of 
> it's certificate to the client.
> I would assume that I would at least see the first of the packets with the 
> client certificates.  If not this could perhaps also be an issue with the 
> network dropping incoming udp fragments and the os never being able to 
> reassemble incomplete packets.  I will have the customer check into that as 
> well.
> Greetings
> Christian

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