Hi Sami,

On Mon, 18 Jan 2016, Sami Keski-Kasari wrote:
> Hello Christian,
> Usually this kind of behaviour is due to MTU problems.
> There can be differences between different vendors for example how they
> do tunnelling and how it affects to MTUs etc.
> Please try to adjust maximum TLS fragment size to see if it helps.
> Please see more at page 92
> 5.21.39 EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize
> in ref.pdf.

yes we already have that set to 500.

Just for understanding EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize would only affect what radiator 
sends.  There is no way to limit the size of the fragements coming from the ap.

The trace4 logs stop exactly at the point radiator has completed sending of 
it's certificate to the client.

I would assume that I would at least see the first of the packets with the 
client certificates.  If not this could perhaps also be an issue with the 
network dropping incoming udp fragments and the os never being able to 
reassemble incomplete packets.  I will have the customer check into that as 


Christian Kratzer                   CK Software GmbH
Email:   c...@cksoft.de               Wildberger Weg 24/2
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