
Maybe the following solves the problem.
I hope it does if the mailman footer is no longer there.

# this path depends on the OP's system
path <- "~/Temp"
fl <- list.files(path, pattern = "Air.txt", full.names = TRUE)
# read the file as text
txt <- readLines(fl)

# find lines starting with an asterisk
i <- grep("^\\*", txt)
# keep the other lines
txt_table <- txt[-i]
txt_table <- trimws(txt_table)
df1 <- read.table(text = txt_table)
# multiply 3rd column by 2
df1[[3]] <- 2*df1[[3]]

# format the table's lines to write them back to file
fmt <- "%14.5f %13.5f %13.5f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %7s %8s %10s %9s %9d"
new_data <- sprintf(fmt,
                    df1[[1]], df1[[2]], df1[[3]], df1[[4]],
                    df1[[5]], df1[[6]], df1[[7]], df1[[8]],
                    df1[[9]], df1[[10]], df1[[11]])

# assemble the header and the table
txt_new <- c(txt[i], new_data)

# write to text file
fl2 <- file.path(dirname(fl), "Air2.txt")
writeLines(txt_new, fl2)

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 11:35 de 22/09/2022, javad bayat escreveu:
These 2 lines were at the end of the text file, which I have attached but I
had removed them to read the text file in R.
Just like the first 8 line that start with asterisk (*).

On Thu, 22 Sep 2022, 12:21 Rui Barradas, <ruipbarra...@sapo.pt> wrote:


Are those lines at the begining of the file?

Rui Barradas

Às 06:44 de 22/09/2022, javad bayat escreveu:
Dear all; Many thanks for your useful comments and codes.
I tried both Rui's and Jim's codes.
Jim's codes gave an error as below:
"Error in substr(inputline, 1, begincol3 - 1) :
    object 'inputline' not found"
I don't know what's wrong.
The Rui's codes worked correctly for the attached file. But I have edited
that file and removed 2 last lines from the file because I could not read
it into R.
These 2 lines were:
** CONCUNIT ug/m^3
** DEPUNIT g/m^2
When I tried to run the code for my file that has these 2 lines at the
it gave me this error:
df1 <- read.table(text = txt_table)
Error in read.table(text = txt_table) : no lines available in input
The codes before the "df1 <- read.table(text = txt_table)" were run

On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 6:58 AM javad bayat <j.bayat...@gmail.com>

Dear all;
I apologise, I didn't know that I have to cc the list.
Thank you Mr Rui for reminding me.
Let me clarify more.
I have no knowledge of the FORTRAN language. The text file that has been
attached is a model's output file and I know that the format is in
I want to write a text file exactly similar to the attached text file
R programming.
The steps below explain my goal:
1- Read the text file without the first 8 and last 2 rows as a
Maybe I have removed the last 2 lines, but at the end it had 2 lines
similar the first 8 lines which starts with asterisk.
2- Double the 3rd column values (or multiply by specific number).
3- Insert the removed first 8 lines of the original text file as header
the dataframe.
4- Insert the removed last 2 lines of the original text file at the end
5- Write the dataframe as a new text file exactly similar to the
text file.

I have used excel but when I save it as text file, the format changes
is not similar to the attached text file.
I will try all your codes in a few hours, cause I am out of office.
Sincerely yours.

On Thu, 22 Sep 2022, 04:20 Richard O'Keefe, <rao...@gmail.com> wrote:

Oh, so you want to WRITE a file *like* that.
Use ?sprintf.

Fortran sprintf
1X      a space
3X      3 spaces
F13.5   %13.5f
F8.2    %8.2f
A5      %5s
A8      %8s
I8      %8d
3(...)  the translation of ... written 3 times

We can simplify 1X,F13.5 to F14.5
Here's the sprintf() equivalent of the Fortran format,
except you'll need to change the dots to spaces.


On Thu, 22 Sept 2022 at 04:17, javad bayat <j.bayat...@gmail.com>

Dear Rasmus;
I have no knowledge of the FORTRAN language. The text file that has
attached is a model's output file and I know that the format is in
I want to write a text file exactly similar to the attached text file
R programming.
The steps below explain my goal:
1- Read the text file without the first 8 and last 2 rows as a
2- Double the 3rd column values (or multiply by specific number).
3- Insert the removed first 8 rows of the original text file as
header in
the dataframe.
4- Insert the removed last 2 rows of the original text file at the
end of
5- Write the dataframe as a new text file exactly similar to the
text file.

I have used excel but when I save it as text file, the format changes
is not similar to the attached text file.

On Wed, 21 Sep 2022, 18:17 Rasmus Liland, <j...@posteo.no> wrote:

Dear Javad,

Perhaps you were looking to read the
table in Air.txt (is this Fortran
format?) into R?

          b <- readLines("Air.txt")  # The text MIME attachment
footer ...
          b <- b[1:(which(b=="")-1)]  # Remove the odd Mailman footer
end of df)
          idx <- max(grep("^\\*", b))+1  # Start of df after header
          header <- tolower(strsplit(gsub("  +", "_", gsub("\\*", "",
b[idx-2])), "_")[[1]])
          b <- read.table(text=b[-(1:idx)], header=F)
          colnames(b) <- header[header!=""]
          b <- b[,sapply(b, \(i) length(unique(i)))>1]  # Remove


          'data.frame':   31324 obs. of  6 variables:
           $ x           : num  583500 584000 584500 585000 585500 ...
           $ y           : num  3018700 3018700 3018700 3018700
           $ average conc: num  32.8 33.1 33.4 33.5 33.6 ...
           $ zelev       : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
           $ zhill       : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
           $ date(conc)  : int  16101706 16101706 16101706 16101706


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