Dear Rasmus;
I have no knowledge of the FORTRAN language. The text file that has been
attached is a model's output file and I know that the format is in FORTRAN.
I want to write a text file exactly similar to the attached text file using
R programming.
The steps below explain my goal:
1- Read the text file without the first 8 and last 2 rows as a dataframe.
2- Double the 3rd column values (or multiply by specific number).
3- Insert the removed first 8 rows of the original text file as header in
the dataframe.
4- Insert the removed last 2 rows of the original text file at the end of
5- Write the dataframe as a new text file exactly similar to the original
text file.

I have used excel but when I save it as text file, the format changes and
is not similar to the attached text file.

On Wed, 21 Sep 2022, 18:17 Rasmus Liland, <> wrote:

> Dear Javad,
> Perhaps you were looking to read the
> table in Air.txt (is this Fortran
> format?) into R?
>         b <- readLines("Air.txt")  # The text MIME attachment w/Mailman
> footer ...
>         b <- b[1:(which(b=="")-1)]  # Remove the odd Mailman footer (at
> end of df)
>         idx <- max(grep("^\\*", b))+1  # Start of df after header uline
>         header <- tolower(strsplit(gsub("  +", "_", gsub("\\*", "",
> b[idx-2])), "_")[[1]])
>         b <- read.table(text=b[-(1:idx)], header=F)
>         colnames(b) <- header[header!=""]
>         b <- b[,sapply(b, \(i) length(unique(i)))>1]  # Remove constant
> cols
> str(b)
>         'data.frame':   31324 obs. of  6 variables:
>          $ x           : num  583500 584000 584500 585000 585500 ...
>          $ y           : num  3018700 3018700 3018700 3018700 3018700 ...
>          $ average conc: num  32.8 33.1 33.4 33.5 33.6 ...
>          $ zelev       : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
>          $ zhill       : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
>          $ date(conc)  : int  16101706 16101706 16101706 16101706 16101706
> ...
> Best,
> Rasmus
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