Dear Jeff, Dear Rui, Dear all,
Forget about the monthly things. I was trying to do two things at the
same time.
I try to explain myself. Thanks for your time and I really appreciate
your help.
I have a long file with hourly precipitation from 2000 to 2018. I would
like to select only on e year or even half of a year and plot the
cumulative precipitation of it in order to compare it with the
simulation data that I have.
So far I was able only to read all the file:
dati <- read.csv(file="116.txt", header=FALSE, sep="," ,
na.strings="-999",skip = 6)
and to plot the entire cumulative:
P <- cumsum(dati$PREC)
plot(dati$DATAORA, P)
How can I choose only, for example, 2013 in order to have P?
thanks again
On Mon, 28 Jan 2019 at 02:36, Jeff Newmiller <
<>> wrote:
I have no idea what you mean when you say "select starting date and
date properly form [sic] datai$DATA". For one thing there is no column
called DATA, and for another I don't know what starting dates and
dates you might be interested in. If you need help to subset by time,
perhaps you should ask a question about that instead.
Here is a reproducible example of making monthly data and
manipulating it
using artificial data:
Sys.setenv( TZ = "GMT" )
dati <- data.frame( DATAORA = as.POSIXct( "2012-01-01" )
+ as.difftime( seq( 0, 365*3*24
), units="hours" )
# terrible simulation of precipitation
dati$PREC <- 0.1 * trunc( 50 * rbeta( nrow( dati ), 1, 80 ) )
dati$ym <- as.yearmon( dati$DATAORA )
# aggregate usually reduces the number of rows given to it
datim <- aggregate( list( PREC = dati$PREC ) # data to summarize
, dati[ , "ym", drop=FALSE ] # columns to group on
, FUN = sum # calculation on data
plot(PREC ~ ym, data=datim) # This is how I would usually look at it
as.year <- function(x) floor( as.numeric( x ) ) # from help file on
datim$y <- as.year( datim$ym )
# ave typically does not change the number of rows given to it
datim$PMES <- ave( datim$PREC, datim$y, FUN = cumsum)
plot(PMES ~ ym, data=datim) # My guess as to what you asked for?
On Sun, 27 Jan 2019, Diego Avesani wrote:
> Dear Jeff, Dear Rui, Dear all,
> I will try Rui's solution as soon as possible.
> If I could ask:
> As a first step, I would like to follow Jeff's suggestion. I will
represent the precipitation data with a cumulative
> distribution, one for each year.
> This follow that I would like to select the starting date and the
ending date properly form dati$DATA in order to
> perform the cumulative function.
> Could you help me on that.
> Again, really really thanks
> Diego
> On Sun, 27 Jan 2019 at 21:37, Jeff Newmiller
< <>> wrote:
> Very succinct, Rui!
> One warning to Diego.... automatic data recorders tend to
use the local standard timezone year-round. R by
> default assumes that timestamps converted from character to
POSIXct using the current timezone on your
> computer... which may not be in the same zone that the
logger was in but even more commonly the computer
> follows daylight savings time. This leads to NAs showing up
in your converted timestamps in spring and
> duplicated values in autumn as the data are misinterpreted.
The easiest solution can be to use
> Sys.setenv( TZ="GMT" )
> though if you need the actual timezone you can use a zone
name of the form "Etc/GMT+5" (5 hrs west of GMT).
> Note that Rui's solution will only work correctly near the
month transition if you pretend the data timezone
> is GMT or UTC. (Technically these are different so your
mileage may vary but most implementations treat them
> as identical and I have not encountered any cases where
they differ.)
> On January 27, 2019 10:03:44 AM PST, Rui Barradas
< <>> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >See if the following can get you started.
> >It uses package CRAN zoo, function as.yearmon.
> >
> >dati$MES <- zoo::as.yearmon(dati$DATAORA)
> >PMES <- ave(dati$PREC, dati$MES, FUN = cumsum)
> >
> >plot(dati$DATAORA, PMES)
> >
> >
> >Hope this helps,
> >
> >Rui Barradas
> >
> >?s 15:25 de 27/01/2019, Diego Avesani escreveu:
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> I have a set of data with has hourly value:
> >>
> >> # ID
> >> # Lo
> >> # L
> >> # Q
> >> yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm, ?C, %, hPa, ?N, m/s, mm/h,W/m?, %,-
> >> 2012-01-01 06:00, -0.1,100, 815,313, 2.6, 0.0, 0, 0,0
> >> 2012-01-01 07:00, -1.2, 93, 814,314, 4.8, 0.0, 0, 0,0
> >> 2012-01-01 08:00, 1.7, 68, 815,308, 7.5, 0.0, 41, 11,0
> >> 2012-01-01 09:00, 2.4, 65, 815,308, 7.4, 0.0, 150, 33,0
> >> .....
> >> .....
> >>
> >> I was able to read it, create my-own data frame and to
plot the
> >total
> >> cumulative function.
> >> This is basically what I have done:
> >>
> >> dati <- read.csv(file="116.txt", header=FALSE, sep="," ,
> >> na.strings="-999",skip = 6)
> >> colnames(dati)=c("DATAORA","T",
"RH","PSFC","DIR","VEL10", "PREC",
> >"RAD",
> >> "CC","FOG")
> >>
> >>
> >%H:%M"))
> >>
> >>
> >> P <- cumsum(dati$PREC)
> >> plot(dati$DATAORA, P)
> >>
> >> I would like to select the data according to an starting
and ending
> >date.
> >> In addition, I would like to plot the monthly and not
the total one.
> >> I mean, I would like to have a cumulative plot for each
month of the
> >> selected year.
> >>
> >> I am struggling with "ddply" but probably it is the
wrong way.
> >>
> >> Could someone help me? Really Really thanks,
> >>
> >>
> >> Diego
> >>
> >> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >>
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> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go
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